This Non Governmental Organisation, registered under Rajasthan Societies Registration Act 1958, is working since Year 1988 to protect RIGHTS of a consumer who felt cheated after paying for Goods or Services and is not getting proper response from the provider when required. We are here to provide helping hands for resolving any issue arises during and after availing any product or services. This is through LEGAL notices, State Consumer forums, National Consumer Forums, High Courts and other legal means

This group having purest dedication and belief in Observe, Critical Analyse and then Necessary Actions for Required Corrections..

We deals in...

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If you would like to work for an organisation making a real impact in society at large; please visit us and submit contact form

!!..bharat ke 5 stambh..!!

We need your intention to make a difference in society

Please donate freely so as to accomplish multiple projects in improving Human Life